welcome to think shank
putting the “what” in “so what” for our funny world of sports
what’s think shank?
whatever you get when you combine a short story, case study, executive briefing & thesis presentation.
For years, I’ve felt an unmet need for equipping, engaging, & educating the sports community outside the norm of voiceover gameplay & traditional podcasting. What do I mean?
First, leap-frogging first-to-post outlets that fixate on the “what” within the sports world (outcomes, headlines, rumors) to the point of cannibalizing airspace for much else. Instead, think shank prioritizes deeper examination of the “why, how, & so what” that underlay & overlay the reverberating “what”.
Second, creating usable material that reflects its ideas & insights for fellow fans & creators to reference. They are designed to be illustrative, simple to understand, and above all useful for sicko & casual fans alike.
The below playoff team profiles are a good example. You’ll notice they synthesize both quantitative and qualitative insights to help the experience feel as effortless as possible.
These below principles blend together to form think shank’s mission: to build knowledge, appreciation, & even more excitement for today’s game.
what’s meant by think shank’s “usable” material?
example playoff team profile from the 2024 NBA season. you can download all profiles (including the master pdf) here.
Quantitative categories are insightful by design, sporting those such as performance indicators by competition level, regions on the court, plus in clutch scenarios.
Qualitative insights are what really elevate things. They briefly spotlight areas like seasonal trends (records don’t tell the whole story), intangible strengths & weaknesses (e.g., continuity), as well as matchup grades against potential postseason opponents.
what’re the pillars of think shank?
dimensions making up the analytical framework for approaching ideas & content
how and why do executives and front offices make the decisions they do in the context of longer time horizons and the league’s broader chess board? (e.g., roster skill profiles, drafting, schematic play styles styles)
what does it mean for leagues, teams & players to make the decisions they do? is the sport evolving right before our eyes? (e.g., off-ball movement from the warriors, switch-heavy defenses from the celtics)
where has the evolution of the game brought us, what through lines can be seen, and how does today’s game enrich the foundations laid out before it? (e.g., ownership tendencies, league policies & rules, influences on younger player generations)
to what extent does business & operations influence the sport as a product in the market? (e.g., rise of sports betting, team expansion)
what measurable factors & outcomes can we synthesize about players, teams & leagues? (e.g., wins, salaries, assists)
what thematic trends, behaviors & situations do we see or sense that are likely driving outcomes? (e.g., continuity, pressure, experience)